Looking at the Future of your Business






Why Scenarios...
" There are far too many options to consider "
" I never thought about... "
" Did we consider what might happen IF...? "
" We don't have the time nor the people to look at all those possibilities "
" Sometimes solutions just happen "  (Scenario Architects improves the chances)
" Imagine what could result if we linked our experienced people to work on this problem... "
" Why do we have to start from scratch every time a new problem comes up? "

We are Scenario Architects
, strategic business scenario developers & consultants. 

We produce comprehensive strategic financial and operational scenarios.  These scenarios, produced using our proprietary software, are long-range virtual images of business activities and expected results based on current plans, activities, and What-If assumptions.  They provide the ability to scout among many paths that lead to the future, and to develop insights that managers need to make wise decisions.  

The benefits we offer are unique: 

  • A collaboration process that captures a “picture” of your business, the ideas and objectives for your future, and the diverse experience and aspirations of your people
  • A dynamic simulation technology that lets you see and perceive the likely performance of your business under challenging assumptions
  • A framework that creates a “living entity” of knowledge – of results, projections, and assumptions, to be remembered, accessed, and built upon 24/7 preparing you to anticipate and respond to challenges and opportunities that have or may materialize
  • A rapid development process - weeks, not months or years - that speeds up your decision process

Our process frees you to focus on what the results mean.  There is no learning curve; Scenario Architects handles all the technology and facilitates meetings and work sessions, as deemed appropriate.  And, there is no “black-box” syndrome; the logic is transparent.

We hope you will explore our website to better understand the advantages of working with realistic scenarios and how they are developed.  We welcome the opportunity to answer your questions and to work with you.

Please use the Contact Form provided. 


ã 2011 Decision Support Associates, Inc. (DeSA) Legal & Privacy Notices    Last: 05/22/2011